Innovate UK

We append successful Innovate UK grant data to our company data.

Innovate UK funding brings together a series of grants that support innovation and research, and sit within UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)'s umbrella. They publish open data on successful grants from 2004.

We can easily append this information to our company data for organisations with a Company Registration Number. This data is then available at the company level on the platform and in our downloads. You can also see top-level insights for a group of companies on Analyse and Compare. 

Some considerations about the data:

  • This data includes the Industrial Strategy Challenge Funds grants.
  • More than one organisation can participate in the same funded project. In these cases, the data shows the total funding given to each organisation.
  • Some of the organisations included in Innovate UK data are not a company. These cases will not appear in our database as our database stems from Companies House.

Why is this data relevant?

Knowing which companies have received funding from Innovate UK is a good indication of their R&D capabilities.

This can help platform users to find companies that actively work on research and innovation. We do not use InnovateUK data in our innovation indicator.

You can filter companies on the platform considering if they received Innovate UK funding, and how much.

Our financial filter available on all the platform's functions (EXPLORE, ANALYSE, COMPARE and the list-building engine) has a search box that makes this possible.

This data can also support further research to understand funding priorities across time and collaboration networks. You can see an example of this type of research in this blog