
The Data City works with Dealroom to match UK companies on Companies House to Dealroom companies and presents investment data for each company. is the foremost data provider on startups, growth companies and tech ecosystems in Europe and around the globe.

You can read more about their data/methodology on their website.

We have combined our data with Dealroom's to build a more complete view of each sector. Our RTICs provide a comprehensive and accurate picture of the economy, going beyond the limitations of traditional systems such as SIC codes. RTICs combined with investor data creates a rich dataset which can be used for economic analysis.

We've developed a paid, yet fully reproducible and downloadable economic analysis platform which stems from Companies House.

We incorporate investment data from Dealroom for further analysis. Our unique platform stands out by offering company-level data access, setting it apart from the IDBR and ONS datasets, which are not publicly accessible.

Our data: Keen to find out more about our data? Make sure you check out our full list of data guides and knowledge base articles.

Method for matching

Dealroom have identified a company number for a considerable number of companies using both manual and automated methods. The Data City undergoes the same process.

Dealroom and The Data City work together and compare results to provide the most accurate match from company on Dealroom's platform to a Company's House company.

Our match rate is currently around >98% accurate.


Dealroom provide specific fields from their data which are most useful for analysis.

These fields are based on per round investment information. The data is updated monthly and we take this data on a timeseries basis.

In this example, Rolls-Royce PLC (01003142), have received 5 rounds of funding over 25 years:

This information is available within the growth tab on the per company page view.

Total funding is filterable within the filters bar. All funding rounds other than DEBT and ACQUISITION contribute to the total funding.

The latest funding round is their most recent round.

Dealroom data: For more detailed information about our Dealroom data, make sure you view our full data glossary and dictionary