For where we have a correct website matched (95% of the time), postcode data is >98% accurate.
Our location data is as granular as postcodes and we use postcodes to display results for aggregated areas such as Local Authorities. Our postcode data comes from multiple sources:
- Companies House (Registered address)
- CreditSafe (Sourced from a third party)
- Company Websites.
Companies House is the least likely to contain any errors although it does rely on companies keeping their own registered address up to date. It is currently not feasible for us to determine the operational status of a company at their registered address. Registered addresses should not be confused with their head office.
CreditSafe use an external provider for trading addresses.
We extract postcodes from when we scrape each company’s website. We focus on specific pages within a given website with location information.
Between CreditSafe and web scraping there is an increased degree of error. Our website matching is not perfect thus leads to error. For where we have a correct website matched (95% of the time), postcode data is >98% accurate.