Companies have two kinds of address; these are registered and operating addresses.
Every company has just one registered address. This is their legal address. Greggs' registered address is Greggs house in Newcastle.
A company can have one or more operating address. Greggs has more than 1 operating address. We find 1300 locations for Greggs.
Different locations in ANALYSE
When you apply a location filter, you will be shown companies that have at least one address in that location.- When you select "only include companies with registered address within filter locations" this returns companies that are registered in that area. On ANALYSE you will see the operating addresses that these companies have as well. These may be outside of the location that you have selected, unless you select "Perform analysis based on registered addresses only".
- If you select 'Only filter by company operating addresses' this returns companies that have an operating address in the selected area. On ANALYSE you will see the operating addresses that these companies have as well. These may be outside of the location that you have selected, unless you select "Perform analysis based on registered addresses only".
- If you select "Perform analysis based on registered addresses only", the analysis will be just on registered addresses. You will be shown companies that only have registered addresses in the selected location.
Above: Analysing Greggs when I have "Perform analysis based on registered addresses only" selected.
Below: Analysing Greggs when I do not have "Perform analysis based on registered addresses only" selected.